A lot of SEO Myths. Every individual has their own opinion on the Search Engine Optimization(SEO) concept because Google doesn’t disclose the factors which they consider for rankings.
Although Google’s algorithm keeps on changing, so people came to a conclusion and try to predict something according to their own experiences or probably misconceptions, which are incorrect.
And following those individuals advice and may harm your current and future SEO projects. These are those people who just think some magic would happen and their web pages will appear on Google first page for any keyword they write.
But, unfortunately, there are no shortcuts, and SEO is the only way if you are planning something for the long term, as there is always a certain process involved to meet the success.
Haha, I know what exactly you are thinking of, Yeah, even I am an individual too. I can predict too. hmm, I won’t ask you to believe anyone, just think logically.
But, here in this article, we are going to talk about the most common SEO Myths talked about. And why you should avoid those completely.
Read on, to know if you are already believing in these SEO Myths.
SEO Myth 1 – SEO won’t Exist Anymore
The Myth – SEO is not working anymore, and its complete waste of time.
The Reality – Have you been hearing this a lot? I am sure you do. This is being talked about by those folks who actually haven’t understood the power of doing proper SEO and how the rankings work at all. These all miss perceptions put the new online marketers into a dilemma. Whether to follow the SEO concept or not.
To portray it in simple, I would like to mention if anything it doesn’t exist won’t be having a name at all.
On the other hand, I would completely agree that SEO has been more and more complicated and competitive too. And the reason behinds Google wants only the great and informative web pages on the top.
As it makes the Google searcher’s experience much better. So, instead of saying SEO is dead, we should be up and ready to do some smarter SEO strategies as that’s the only way to stand out from the crowd.
SEO Myth 2 – All you need to do is Create Great Content
The Myth – Write great content and your pages will rank automatically without any effort.
The Reality – Content is King, and yes definitely, it is.
I too love the content which is informative and educates people thoroughly. Writing content non-stop with absolute great vocabulary and well-formed sentences are always great to see.
There is no doubt, people always link back to the content which is thorough and informative compared to the narrow ones. But, that can happen only if the content is well optimized. Why?
I agree that you might have written awesome content which might have provided great value to your readers. But, how would the search engines recognize the same, if the whole content is not optimized for any keyword phrases?
This makes complete sense right, isn’t it?
Check out what experts says about, how you can optimize your content for the keyword Phrases and rank out your competitors.
The Bottom line is your informative and quality content will not be able to reach to your targeted audience if it is not well SEO Optimized.
SEO Myth 3 – Google Hates SEO
The Myth – Google Hates SEO, and making the website search Engine Optimized may penalize the website.
The Reality – This is the funniest thing, one could say and hear being in the online industry. Google Hates only if SEO system is being manipulated, by using some black hat SEO Strategies.
Google rank pages considering many factors and SEO(Search Engine Optimization) stands right at the top. Though I do agree, SEO changes according to the algorithm, but the basic concepts always stay right there.
Google, definitely uses Artificial Intelligence to rank website considering several aspects of time spent on site, page views per sessions, user experience and more.
But, if the pages are not optimized using the On-page SEO techniques then Google cannot crawl your pages well for certain keyword phrases.
As keywords are important factors for SEO. It is as simple as that no keywords, pages won’t rank at all. Here are some free keyword tools which can be used efficiently.
Simultaneously, if you are not getting the boost from the other web pages, which also called link juice then there are no chances to rank higher at all. There are several methods one can get some quality backlinks to their site to get rank higher. This is why it’s wise to spend some time and money on optimizing your website and make it SEO friendly.
Check out Why AllDigiTrends setting the Trend in Digital Marketing
SEO Myth 4 – Meta tags don’t work
Myth – There is no use of meta tags at all, as it won’t affect the SEO in favor.
The Reality – Meta tags are important and it helps in terms of getting good clicks and eventually that increases the SEO of a web page. Three important things are involved in the meta tags, those are Title tags, Meta Description, and Meta Keyword.
Check out the video of Matt Cutt’s
Meta Tags are found in the website <head> area and the rest two are completely optional. Though, it still important to have a Good Meta Description and Title Tags, as these appear in the SERP results.
When someone is looking for a keyword the meta description will appear in the snippet. And good tags will get better clicks and increase the CTR level.
Though if you don’t provide any meta description Google will consider the article introduction as the same, and the result might not be the same considering getting clicks on the same.
SEO Myth 5 – Guest blogging Not Working
Myth – Guest Blogging is not working anymore, its a complete waste of time.
The Reality – Guest Blogging is a traditional way of link building and still exist very aggressively. It is the most potential way of link building tactics. In fact, not just for building links it actually provides more exposure to the wider audience.
Benefits of Guest Blogging
- Building Strong Backlink in your own niche
- showcase yourself to the larger audience
- Self Branding
- Make New Friends and get content shared
- Immense traffic and more,
Just assume if you have your guest articles on multiple blogs which receives good traffic and have good Authority, how many new footprints will come to your website. The sky is the limit.
Write a fantastic piece of content which could be useful for the blog readers where your write as your content live there till the blog exist. Don’t write just for the sake of obtaining a backlink.
As getting one backlink is really the temporary thing, if you are looking for a long run. If you don’t have that much time to write content on multiple blogs, then you can always hire content writers who can do the job easier.
SEO Myth 6 – Having Encrypted SSL is not important
The Myth – SSL is used for only the sites, where products are sold and transactions happen.
The Reality – Do you still think the same that SSL is not important at all?
After Google confirmed that SSL is going to be a ranking factor back in 2014, this dilemma shouldn’t exist anymore, that SSL doesn’t have a stand. In fact, it’s also been proved in the recent SEMRush Google Ranking Factors as well.
Here are a quick 28 days Case Study Analysis Before and After changes in the statistics.

Source: SEMRush
According to SEMrush, the websites with green padlock stood ahead, compared to which doesn’t have an SSL certificated installed. After looking at all this getting an SSL certificate could be an urge, to outrank your competitors.
No wonder installing an SSL is no rocket science at all, can be done in no time. If not sure, here is the helpful guide, how you could install a free SSL offered by Cloudflare swiftly without any hassle. Make your website SEO ready and stop listening to those myths.
SEO Myth 7 – You will lose traffic with Outbound links
Myth – If you link other websites from yours, you will lose all your traffic.
The Reality – People don’t understand the basic concept of SEO. Outbound links are really helpful.
If you are writing a blog post and describing something relevant topic which is not existing in your blog then, one should definitely link with one or two useful content in the overall blog post.
This will provide extra useful information to your reader. This builds up the trust, thus, they will back your website again and again.
Apart from that, by linking to the other websites you can also make more new friends in the blogosphere by reaching them out about the mention. People would love to share the content and probably you will get one more permanent reader.
SEO Myth 8 – Lengthy Content will Rank
Myth – If you write long-form content, only then you would be able to rank
The Reality – As we have seen above the many factors involve how Google ranks the pages, so just saying writing a longer content will rank doesn’t justify. Though I do agree that it would be really helpful you have longer and informative content.
Only content length not going to be matter in search engine rankings, but simultaneously it should be helpful and thorough so that the readers would read it completely and increase the time on page. Which google eventually considers and rank higher. And if the content is long enough and people are not going through completely, it’s of no use.
Apart from that, the content should be well Optimized for all the relative keywords of the main keyword. Here is a case study from SerpIQ, which shows more than 2000+ words ranks better.

Image Source: SERP IQ
Though, it’s not always you have to write the long-form content to rank better. It completely depends upon the niche you are writing on.
For Instance, if the search query is “How to install windows”, here people needs a quick solution, you can’t write 2500 words about installing windows, as the intent of the user is to get a quick solution.
SEO Myth 9 – Social Activity Doesn’t matter
Myth – Doesn’t matter if your social presence is strong or not
The Reality – There are many folks kept on telling this, just concentrate on the SEO to drive organic traffic. Social Presence is not that important, heard a lot?
Actually, SEO and Social Presence are both important impacts both goes hand in hand. Social activity is also part of SEO. Search Engine also considers engagement happens on your blog posts.
More likes, comments, and hits you get, better you will rank. These are basically called as social signals in the online industry. Apart from shaking hand with SEO, a strong social presence is helpful for branding and opens a lot of door of opportunities.
Final Words on SEO Myth’s
If you have gone through the entire article, I am sure you understand now what to do and what not to. There are several ways one can increase the Website SEO for more organic traffic. It’s always a good idea to try on the SEO things by yourself instead of hearing the SEO Myths around.
Do share with us, what was the most SEO Myths, you have heard so far?
20 comments. Leave new
It is all fairly new to me – so still digging to find information. Thank you for all you have shared.
I have picked up lots 🙂
Glad it helped to pick up a few. A proper SEO and delivering compelling content every time are are the only ways to thrive in your blogging business.
Have a great day ahead! 🙂
Hello Mate, You had written and interesting and impressive article mate,
I am vikas gupta from india and i really like your article and style of writing.
I would love to receive other articles from you in my email, kindly do add my email id in your subscription list.
I am sure you will add my email in your mailing list.
Vikas Gupta
Hi Navin,
I love this list. You could’ve added another one about “More Content Equals Higher Ranking”. It seems to me that people think the more content they publish, the higher they will rank. While, in fact, unless those new pages attract high-quality backlinks, they will hurt your existing rankings.
Thanks again for sharing this!
Hi Youness Bermime, That’s a great addition too. Yeah, I do agree, it doesn’t matter if you have thousands of post, but do are able to reach out. Good quality backlinks certainly would make a lot of difference. As Brian Dean’s Backlinko is a great example of the same. He has very fewer articles on his blog, but all are ranking.
That’s the power of well optimized and thorough content along with juicy backlinks.
Have a great day ahead! thanks for adding value.
Yep Navin; creating good content is just the starting point. Folks love good content. As does Google. But then deets come into play. Keywords – the right ones – and meta, and links in, and links out. Guest post, forum marketing, so many factors play into the equation. But if you just focus on creating good content you miss all these factors. Fab post bro!
Yeah, That’s right Ryan, a lot of factors comes into action to rank the pages in the SERP’s and get more exposure.
A proper self-branding plays an important role to get the social shares, likes and more, which apparently speaks to Google about the popularity of the pages and help into rankings. Social backlinks do matter a lot in SEO. The points you mentioned, all works the best.
Thanks, Ryan, for the thoughts on the same. have a great day ahead!
Hello; Thanks for a great post. I like the part about meta tags still being relevant. One of the things I try to tell people is keep using those alt tags for photos. It not only helps us blind users, but it is another way you can improve your SEO. And I would love to add Ssl to my sites, but not sure how. Perhaps your next post could go into the how of implementing the advice you give in your post. Wishing you all the best, Max
Hi Max,
Certainly, Alt tags help to drive traffic from the Google Image search as well, which is being used a lot too. Whereas the SSL is concerned, it’s important, and going forward it will be a compulsory one. Although people have mixed feelings about the same.
We have already linked the Step by step guide to install an SSL in the article. You can take help of.
Have a great day ahead!
Glad to read your post. I like the ways you have have explained the whole post about SEO. You have well written about SEO Myths and there are many things to learn from here. With a great guide like this and great tactics anybody can boost their website to get page rank higher in search engines.
The step by step guide from your side is very informative as well as easy to know. Waiting to read your next blog post.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a nice day,
Praveen verma
Hi Praveen,
Glad you liked it. You are right, it does help to rank the pages, it’s always good to be practical.
Instead of going through the rumors and doing nothing. SEO takes time, but the results are always permanent and help in the long run.
Have a great day ahead!
Hey Navin,
It great to be reading your post again. It’s always the best efforts you have put into your content, that’s why it will help many out there looking to learn.
By the way, Thanks for the great read Navin.
~ Donna
Thanks for the Great Article. This is an eye opener and SEO’s must learn these Tips.
Very useful information…
Thanks for sharing
Awesome article. Thank you so much for the describe the all information related to the websites with no traffic.
Hey Mate,
I am Vikas Gupta from India
You had written a great article to read, you are doing work, keep it work.
looking for more articles like this.
Hi Navin,
These myths are busted, and doesn’t hold ground. However, creating long-form content is great only if the content in question is well researched and valuable. Yes, study shows that longer blog posts perform better on Google, but if the article is not informative and interesting it certainly will not rank. Personally I’m used to long form content because it make want give the best valuable information I could.
This is really an awesome eyeopener article for everyone. Yes, as a blogger we must know these facts and should work on creating useful staffs. Another point is to keep the existing articles updated with fresh information and spread about the same on social media. The ranking is no more a set of formula and the competition is really high. But Google is really smart to award the top positions.
Really Awesome. such a helpful to get started for beginners. Easy to understand and learnt lots of things. Thanks for this post sharing.
This is really a Great Article and it Cleared so many Myths of mine which were in my Head from so long I’m Glad I came across this post.
Thanks for sharing such a Great post.